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Orthopedic Surgery In Huntington Beach CA For A Hip Fracture

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A hip fracture is the complete or partial break in the femur, which is the major bone in the hip joint. Numerous hip fractions occur each year, especially in older individuals, and requires hip nailing, which is an orthopedic surgery for Huntington Beach CA patients. A hip fracture involves the femur and nearby muscles and tendons that attach to the head of the femur. Orthopedic surgery in Huntington Beach CA is done to relieve the intolerable pain, swelling and tenderness along with the deformed hip appearance from associated with a hip fracture. If not treated, a patient may go into shock from internal bleeding. Car accidents and falls or other injuries can lead to a hip fracture, especially in the elderly. The risk of a fracture that leads to orthopedic surgery in Huntington beach CA increases in those with osteoporosis, especially women who have postmenopausal osteoporosis. Patients with bone cancer, poor nutrient, a calcium imbalance and brain disorders are also at higher risk for a hip fracture. The orthopedic surgery for Huntington Beach CA patients that is used to treat a hip fracture is known as hip nailing. The patient will need rehabilitation and therapy after surgery. Hip nailing is a procedure that is used to reattach the broken bone fragments of a fractured femur of the hip. The surgery is done to make movement of the patient's hip joint possible after surgery and to prevent the patient from becoming confined to a bed, which can be dangerous in the elderly. An orthopedic surgeon performs the operation. The average hospital stay for this surgery is four to seven days and the hip fracture is usually curable with surgery and rehabilitation. General anesthesia by injection or inhalation is used with a airway tube in the windpipe. After the anesthesia, the surgeon makes an incision to allow him or her access to the fractured parts. The broken fragments are realigned and plates are fitted to hold the nail to inserted into the fragment from the fracture area. The nail is hammered into place to hold the broken parts together and strengthen the injured part of the bone. A plate is attached to healthy bone to hold the nail in place. As with all types of surgeries, there are possible complications associated with this type of surgery. These include infection, blood clots in the legs, excessive bleeding and re-fracture of the hip. After surgery, the patient will begin a physical therapy program as prescribed by the doctor. The patient usually begins walking using a walker and then progress to crutches and a cane, if necessary. Patients are advised to avoid vigorous activity for at least three months following surgery. Patient can take steps to help avoid a hip fracture, such as taking in adequate amounts of calcium, either with supplements, by eating milk products or both. Older patients, especially those with osteoporosis or bone cancer should protect themselves against falls. Women may consider taking estrogen after going through menopause to help prevent bone loss associated with osteoporosis. Elderly individuals can use a cane or walker if they feel unsteady on their feet. If patient has symptoms of a hip fracture along with numbness or loss of feeling in the fractured site, he or should seek emergency medical care. The patient should also alert the doctor if he or she has swelling above or below the fracture site, increased pain, redness or discharge after surgery. Patients should also let the doctor know if he or she has a persistent headache, muscle aches, fever and chills, as these are signs of infection that can become serious. Click here to find out more about orthopedics.