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How Can Drug Addiction Treatment Help Clients Break Free Of Their Emotional Chains?

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Struggling with an addiction to drugs can make some people feel alone and desperate. The never-ending cycle of getting high and then feeling low can trigger a number of negative emotions in their lives, including anger and self-hate. Drug addiction treatment may be the only way to break free of the emotional chains that threatens to overcome them. Clients just have to make the effort to seek help. How Does Drug Addiction Affect People? Addiction is a disease that has the power and potential to cause havoc in the addicted person's family life, friendships and personal relationships. People who have addictions are called addicts. They typically resent this title and often deny that they are addicts to anyone who refers to them as such. In many cases, addicts refuse to own up to their drug addiction. Self-denial is one of the symptoms of this disease. Drug addiction treatment addresses the reasons clients turn to drugs. Counselors work to uncover the reasons by talking to their clients. However, this can be a difficult task. Many addicts refuse to talk about how and why they chose to take drugs in the first place. Is Drug Addiction Physical or Emotional? Drug addiction may begin as a physical dependence on a drug or medication, but it typically does not stay there. This is when the emotional dependence on substances comes in. There is a reason behind this. A great number of drugs affect the brain's ability to control pain and produce emotions. They enhance the chemicals that regulate emotions, such as pleasure, happiness and euphoria. There are several types of drug addicts, including prescription drug users and recreational drug users. Prescription Drug Addiction Clients who became addicted to pain pills or other prescription drugs may feel happier and more relaxed after taking their medications. The less they feel pain, the more content they become. They may even take the pills when the pain is not present. The idea of losing the positive feelings to pain is not an option. A number of drug addicts ask their doctors to write or call in more medications in order to maintain their happy state. They may even request an increase in the dosage, as the current prescription has lost its ability to create the good feelings. If the doctor will not comply, they may seek other alternatives. Diligent doctors may notice the multiple requests, reach out to the clients or their families, and suggest drug addiction treatment. Street Drug Addiction Street drug addiction develops when clients ingest, inject or inhale nonprescription drugs. These drugs contain different chemicals that immediately interact with the brain's chemicals. Street drugs can gradually become addicting, or they can be so powerful that clients become addicted right away. They may use the drugs on the weekend or after work for relaxation. The clients may soon purchase the drugs to keep a supply on hand. When the money runs out to purchase the drugs, the clients may exhibit other negative behaviors like lying and stealing. If they cannot get the money from any source, the addictive clients may become angry, paranoid or irrational. How Does Drug Addiction Treatment Work? In order to help clients beat stop their addictive behavior successfully, counselors treat both the emotional and psychological aspects of addiction. Treatments can address the physical withdrawals, such as nausea, headaches and trembling, while others deal with the emotional withdrawals the clients are experiencing. Drug addiction treatment cannot work unless addictive clients want it to. They must be willing to admit their addictions not only to themselves, but to their loved ones as well. After taking positive steps forward, they can begin breaking free of their emotional and physical chains.

