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How To Love The Person Who Appears In Your Selfies

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Although the practice has gained immense popularity, and the word has recently been added to the dictionary, selfies are really nothing new. It is reported that the first self photograph, or selfie was shot as early as 1839.  Their rise in popularity has been credited to the addition of cameras on cellular phones, as well as an increase in places in which to post the final pictures. While posting selfies can be fun, there is a host of side effects that these multiple pictures can create. Knowing what these side effects are, can help you maintain your positive self esteem, while living in a very visible society.

Seeking Approval

Do you know people who post multiple pictures per day, and then stay attached to their cell phones to see who is going to comment, and what they are going to say? If the posted picture does not produce the results that the person is looking for, they will post another, followed by another.

If the picture produces a large number of positive comments, they then attempt to post another photo that will produce even bigger numbers. Before long, they have a hard time getting other things done, because they are caught in a vicious cycle of posting selfies. Along with this there are other side effects that you may not have even considered.

Selfies Can Affect Your Self Esteem

When you receive positive comments on selfies, it gives you a dose of immediate gratification, and a burst of pride. This causes the brain to release dopamine, which in turn controls the body's reward center, making the body feel good. The opposite is true when your pictures receive negative comments, or are not so well received. Low levels of dopamine can lead to addiction, or risk taking, in an attempt to generate pleasure.

Studies have shown that selfies have the most impact on a person's self esteem when they already suffer from addictive personality traits. This can lead to people becoming overly obsessed with their images.

Selfies Can Begin To Alter Your True Identity

When you take selfies, you have full control over the image that you place on social media. Many of these pictures are simply images that are snapped in the moment. The danger comes in when excessive amounts of time are being spent on pictures that have been carefully posed, shifted, and even enhanced to put your best features forward. By the time that the editing process is finished, some of these features may not even belong to you.

The beauty of this day, and time is that you have tools in which you can correct what you perceive as a flaw, or imperfections that you do not like. Cosmetic surgeons, like those at, have seen an increase in the number of younger patients seeking services over the last few years.  Many people have sought services because they have become more aware of their appearance due to their selfies. While there is nothing wrong with learning to embrace your imperfections as a part of you, it is nice to have the option to change them if you choose.

Selfies Can Affect Your Relationship With Others

While you may only consider your friend's, and family's reactions when you are posting your selfies, they are being viewed by many other people. Most people have colleagues, and mere acquaintances in your circle of friends. Many times people tend to think negatively about people who hog their feeds with repeated photos of themselves.

By posting regularly selfies, you can actually be hurting the relationships that you have with others. If you are in an intimate relationship with someone who does not share your posting fascination, repeated postings of the pictures of the two of you could feel like an invasion of privacy to them.

What Can You Do?

Accept you for who you are, and learn the value that you bring to others. If you find that your photo sharing is causing you stress, or negative thoughts, stop sharing. While you may not be ready to deactivate your account, start off by stopping for short periods of time. Challenge yourself to go longer, and longer periods of time between sharing a photo of yourself. You may find that you get a lot more out of your online interactions than you do when you have so much riding on the comments of others. 
