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Facing the Fat Facts: 5 Reasons Your Belly Is Bulging & What You Can Do About It

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Belly fat is disconcerting for a number of reasons, from the way you feel about your body-image to the negative health consequences you may be living with. Facing the facts is a must, though, if you're ever to resolve the worrisome problem of too much belly fat. Here's why you might be dealing with it and what you can do about it.

1. Your Metabolism Has Started to Slow Down

Although everyone is different, most people experience a slow-down with their metabolism at some point after a certain age. It could be 35 or not until you're 65, but whenever it hits, it may easily lead to weight gain and in particular, bulging of your belly and buttocks.

At this point in life, nutrition, and regular exercise become essential for long-term health and metabolic stability. Consider giving up all of the foods that will slow you down, such as deep-fried, fatty, sugary and processed items. Turn instead toward natural, whole foods your body can better utilize with the slower metabolism.

2. You May Have Undiagnosed Thyroid Problems

The thyroid is a tricky, sensitive gland, which can wreak total havoc on all your bodily systems, including those that contribute to stubborn body fat. Most annual checkups don't include blood tests for thyroid problems unless you're having symptoms of hyper or hypothyroid; however, if your body has changed dramatically, along with your appetite, sleeping patterns, moods or energy, ask for the tests to be run. They could reveal hidden issues which can't otherwise be known. If a thyroid issue is uncovered, the solution may be as simple as a daily hormone replacement tablet.

When the thyroid is culpable for weight gain, the first step is getting the thyroid hormones stabilized. Thereafter, you'll need to watch what you eat and engage in a doctor-supervised exercise regimen, as working out with a thyroid imbalance may lead to an irregular heart rate. Other issues, though, such as fatigue, should clear up once you have the thyroid under control.

3. You've Become Complacent

It's easy to let time get away from you, where you originally meant to keep up with your body and health. Being busy often means not prioritizing your health and eating quick and easy meals made of processed foods, rather than wholesome and nutritious. Life gets ahead of your intentions and within a short period of time, you find yourself overweight, unhappy about it and with the daunting task of slimming your midsection to normal range.

For these circumstances, it's wise to devise a plan. Schedule time at the gym or to work out at home right on your business calendar, to give it the importance it deserves; keep a weight loss journal and document what works and what doesn't and if you can, find a friend to exercise with, as doing so increases your chance of succeeding and the level of enjoyment.

4. Your Workout Is Not Working For You

For belly fat, all workout routines are simply not created equal. The simple act of burning calories just won't do, so you must adopt an area-specific routine that really gets to work on the midsection mayhem plaguing you.

Engage in more strength training to increase your muscle mass, such as lifting weights and cardio routines. Since muscles burn more calories, the more muscle you have, the more belly fat you will burn. This is true at any age, but the higher up you get in years, the more truth it rings for you and hence, the more work you're going to have to do to eliminate and prevent belly fat.

5. Your Abdominal Muscles Need Repair

Under certain circumstances, such as difficult or numerous pregnancies or serious injury, abdominal muscles can become weakened, limiting their function. When this happens, it's next to impossible for a person to remedy belly fat, simply because they can't utilize their muscles the way they once could. Such a predicament can easily lead to being overweight and may compromise health in other areas, like back pain due to poor posture.

If a doctor has determined your muscles have separated or been seriously strained or that the delicate protective tissue surrounding them (fascia) is damaged, a procedure called an abdominoplasty may be in order. This is where surgeons go in to repair the damage, restoring your strength and quite possibly, improving your health. Abdominoplasty, often called a simple "tummy tuck," not only removes fat, but it puts your stomach muscles back in working order, so that you are eventually able to resume a traditional workout routine, keeping your weight in check.

To learn more about these and other factors, contact resources like Medilaser, Cosmetic Surgery and Vein Center.
