Solutions for Seasonal Allergies

A Sterile Solution: Infection Control Products To Carry In The Healthcare Workplace

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While healthcare providers do everything in their power to treat diseases and conditions, they also work hard to prevent them from happening in the first place. Though not all diseases work the same, one of the best ways they can accomplish this is to prevent the spread of disease, germs and bacteria in the workplace. By using the appropriate infection control products, this additional safeguard will ensure the safety and protection of both patients and providers.…

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Neurosurgical Treatment Of A Pituitary Adenoma Associated With Cushing's Disease

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Cushing’s disease is arare condition that affects only 10 to 15 per million people annually. While the underlying mechanics of the disease can vary between patients, the presence of a pituitary adenoma is commonly a determined cause of heightened hormonal levels signifying the condition. If you are diagnosed with Cushing’s disease and are found to have a pituitary adenoma, neurosurgical treatment may be the best option. Surgically removing the pituitary adenoma is considered the best treatment.…

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3 Foot Health Conditions That a Foot Doctor Will Help You Treat

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Healthy feet make it easy for you to move from one place to another. You will also need to have healthy feet if you want to start fitness training or a sporting activity just for fun. The problem is that most people ignore the importance of sound foot health. They wait for their foot problems to fester till a time comes when they can barely walk to see a doctor.…

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