Solutions for Seasonal Allergies

Tips For Managing Pet Allergies When On Vacation

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If you have a pet allergy, you may be a little nervous about traveling this summer. An encounter with a dog, cat, or just their dander can leave you miserable and ruin your vacation. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to avoid this issue, as the following guide will show. Tip #1: Verify the room is pet-free If you are staying in a hotel, call ahead of time and verify that they offer rooms that have never had pets in them.…

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Do You Have To Live With Pelvic Floor Dysfunction?

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Pelvic floor dysfunction is a disorder that affects a surprising number of women. As many as one in three American women experience the disorder. If you are experiencing the symptoms of pelvic floor dysfunction, here is what you need to know: What Is Pelvic Floor Dysfunction? Pelvic floor dysfunction, or PFD, occurs when the connective tissue that offers support to your internal organs is damaged. For some women, the damage occurs in childbirth.…

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3 Tips For Dealing With Strep Throat

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Strep throat is a common childhood illness and it can be easily passed throughout the household. A combination of medical treatment and home-care tactics can improve your child’s well-being and prevent the spread of infection. Take Sore Throats Seriously Although a simple sore throat is usually not concerning, because it may accompany other conditions such as the common cold or seasonal flu, be concerned if your child experiences significant symptoms or is not soothed by simple remedies.…

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