Solutions for Seasonal Allergies

4 Important Health Matters Forgotten During Cancer Treatment

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When you are being treated for cancer, it can be easy for that to become the focus of your life. Your schedule, your thoughts and your feelings may all begin to revolve around what is happening in your treatment and how the cancer is reacting. However, there are 4 other areas of your health that need your attention while you are battling a serious disease, and these are often forgotten. Here are 4 subjects to stay on top of as you are fighting cancer.…

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When Does Delayed Cord Clamping Make Sense For Your Newborn?

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If you’ve finally reached the second trimester milestone during your first pregnancy, you’re likely experiencing some relief at getting through what may be the most physically and emotionally challenging 12 weeks of your life. However, this relief can quickly give way to panic at the number of decisions you’ll soon need to make: whether to breastfeed or bottle-feed, use cloth or disposable diapers, or register at an in-home or center daycare.…

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Can You Get Dental Implants After Radiation Therapy?

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Oral and pharyngeal cancer affects 49,750 people in the United States. Depending on the severity of the disease, the person’s oral health, and other factors, patients may lose teeth prior to or during the process of eliminating the cancer. Many people who go through this experience may want to get dental implants to replace the missing teeth. Unfortunately, this may not be an option if you were treated using radiation therapy.…

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