Solutions for Seasonal Allergies

3 Changes To Make To Naturally Decrease Your Cholesterol

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As you get older, your doctor will want to test your cholesterol levels. Cholesterol is something that builds up in your arteries and can lead to health problems with your heart and brain. Unfortunately, if you have high cholesterol, you are not likely to know unless you get your levels tested. If your test reveals that your cholesterol is high, you could take medication for this, or you could make some key lifestyle changes that may help naturally lower your levels.…

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3 Facts You And Your Teenaged Daughter Should Know About Her First Appointment With An OB/GYN

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As a parent, there are many aspect of your child’s life that you have planned for and her first visit with an ob/gyn is no different. It will be helpful to note that The American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommend that young women have their first gynecological visit between the ages of 13 and 15. Unfortunately, it is not unusual for young women in that age group to be nervous about what their first visit with a feminine health expert will include.…

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Six Weight Loss Claims That Should Make You Think Twice

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Losing weight is a common desire among many Americans, but some are desperate to reach for anything that offers hope to them. Unfortunately, many questionable products and services have appeared in response to this demand, and Americans have thrown away millions of dollars on these useless weight loss “solutions.” Worse, many others have suffered harm from using dangerous products that failed to live up to their claims. If you are looking to lose weight, it’s important that you know how to recognize false and highly exaggerated claims.…

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