Solutions for Seasonal Allergies

Corns Vs Bunions: Identifying And Treating Them Properly

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Many people use the terms corns and bunions interchangeably to refer to a bump on the foot, but these two conditions are not the same. One is simply a large bump caused by an overgrowth of dead, calloused skin, while the other is an abnormality of the bone in the foot. The treatment varies depending on which you have and its underlying cause. The first step in getting proper treatment is understanding the difference between the two.…

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Facing the Fat Facts: 5 Reasons Your Belly Is Bulging & What You Can Do About It

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Belly fat is disconcerting for a number of reasons, from the way you feel about your body-image to the negative health consequences you may be living with. Facing the facts is a must, though, if you’re ever to resolve the worrisome problem of too much belly fat. Here’s why you might be dealing with it and what you can do about it. 1. Your Metabolism Has Started to Slow Down…

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3 Things To Know About Spinal Decompression For Back Pain Relief

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Suffering from chronic lower back pain seems to be a common problem for many people, and it can be a hard problem to live with. Back pain can leave you feeling miserable all the time and can rob you of enjoyment in life. It can even stop you from doing normal activities, such as working and playing sports. If you are looking for a non-surgical way to treat your back pain, you may want to consider trying spinal decompression therapy.…

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