Solutions for Seasonal Allergies

Understanding How Pediatric Occupational Therapy Helps Your Child

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Most adults who have had occupational therapy are familiar with how it helps them adapt to work and their job tasks at work after an injury, disease, or disorder makes it harder for them to do their jobs. That makes complete sense when you think about occupational therapy. However, you might be really confused when you think about pediatric occupational therapy. After all, children typically do not work jobs for pay (although there are a few exceptions like child actors and child entertainers), so why would children need this kind of therapy?…

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The Domino Effect? 3 Additional Problems Caused By Chronic Back Pain

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Back pain has become something of a common denominator for Americans of all ages, sexes, and backgrounds. According to statistics published by the American Chiropractic Association (ACA), 8 out of every 10 Americans can be expected to suffer at least some form of back pain during their lifetime. For some, back pain is due to a specific condition or injury and can be alleviated by treatment. For others, the pain does not seem to respond to initial treatment and a chronic condition develops that often has a detrimental domino effect on other areas of their lives.…

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Do You Need An Infertility Doctor?

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When you’re trying to get pregnant, you can have a hard time conceiving. You want to have a baby, and you are wondering if you are having troubles getting pregnant. After all, people around you get pregnant in a short amount of time while you’ve been trying for a long time and still get your menstrual cycle every month. So, do you have troubles with infertility? Use this guide to help you decide if you need to get an infertility doctor or if you should just keep trying.…

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