Solutions for Seasonal Allergies

Rare Side-Effects From 3 Common Medications

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When we take common, everyday medications, the thought that our lives may be in jeopardy rarely crosses our minds. While all medications have side effects, certain medications, both over-the-counter and prescription, have the potential to cause life-threatening adverse reactions. Here are three medications that may endanger your life, even at dosages recommended by your doctor: Aspirin Aspirin has been used for over a century to relieve pain and fever, however, it is not as innocuous as most people think.…

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4 Requirements To Fulfill Before Having Laparoscopic Spinal Surgery

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Although laparoscopic spinal surgery is less invasive than “open” surgery, you’ll still need to fulfill some preoperative necessities before undergoing your procedure. The physician at the orthopedic spine center will discus your preoperative requirements during your consultation appointment, and will give you an instruction sheet to refer back to in case you have questions. Here are four requirements that you’ll need to fulfill prior to having minimally invasive spinal surgery.…

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How 3D Printing Is Changing Medical Simulation

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How do would-be doctors practice difficult procedures? The answer is medical simulation. The same technology that allows pilots to master the controls of various aircraft can work to train a surgeon to remove a kidney stone or teach a first year medical student gross anatomy. EIGER lab, and the like, with advances in technology, and specifically the use of rapid prototyping and 3D printers, are improving the training process for healthcare professionals by providing more realistic and accurate models.…

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