A therapeutic massage aims to treat a specific problem, such as a sports injury, headaches, or carpal tunnel syndrome. The massage is performed by a licensed massage therapist and can occur in a clinical or home setting. It will last approximately 60 to 90 minutes and leave you feeling your best at the end. A therapeutic massage can be good for all sorts of individuals, including athletes, pregnant women, and arthritis patients.…
Going through a divorce, even when you know it’s definitely the right choice, shakes up your entire life and can make you feel a range of complicated emotions. You may feel a combination of sad, angry, depressed, relieved, anxious, or guilty. In fact, divorce ranks just below the death of a spouse on the list of most stressful life events, according to many experts. Seeking counseling during or after your divorce can help you navigate this challenging time and come out whole and happy on the other side.…
There are health issues you may experience that your regular doctor’s office can help you with, but there are other types of health problems that will require more care than this. If you experience shortness of breath that is persistent and will not go away, you should not call your regular doctor to schedule a visit. Instead, you should get to your local emergency room (ER) as quickly as you can.…