If you have been struggling with arthritis, you are not alone. In fact, an estimated 52.5 million people in this country reportedly have arthritis, and that number is expected to grow. The disease can be extremely debilitating and prevent you from doing simple tasks that most people consider basic. Your orthopedic doctors have probably prescribed you a lot of drugs to help with the pain, but nothing is ameliorating the pain completely.…
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You should examine your skin regularly for new or changing moles, as this examination can help you detect the first signs of some types of skin cancer. If, during this examination, you encounter a new small red mole or even a few of them, then you likely wonder what they are. While you should have all new moles correctly diagnosed by your dermatologist, tiny red moles are often cherry angiomas. These moles are traditionally considered unsightly, yet harmless, although there are many theories as to why they occur and how to get rid of them.…
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Although the practice has gained immense popularity, and the word has recently been added to the dictionary, selfies are really nothing new. It is reported that the first self photograph, or selfie was shot as early as 1839. Their rise in popularity has been credited to the addition of cameras on cellular phones, as well as an increase in places in which to post the final pictures. While posting selfies can be fun, there is a host of side effects that these multiple pictures can create.…
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